Uday Dixit IIT The Swanath Foundation team had a discussion with Dr. Uday Dixit, an activist of Think India and Professor of IIT in Gauwhati, Assam state, to implement foster care services. Post category:Awareness Activities Post comments:0 Comments Read more articles Previous PostDepartment of Social Work, SNDT Women’s University from “Swanath” Foundation Honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr. With Chakradev madam and the team of social science, social science, and knowledge resource center and professors of various departments had a wide discussion about the concept of “Swanath”… Swanath is always there with them, to create awareness in the society about Foster Care Services, to conduct important research on the numerous questions of Swanath, who is not an orphan. Next Postसिग्नलवर,फुटपाथवर, रस्त्यावर आपल्या सगळ्यांना अस्वस्थ करणारी, द्रवित करणारी परिस्थिति म्हणजे गाडीचा दरवाजा ठोठावणारी ओंगळवाण्या अवतारात दिसणारी, काहीतरी मागणारी कोवळी मुले…त्यांना पैसे दिले तर त्यांची ही “काहीतरी मागण्याची”वृत्ती वाढेल म्हणून पैसे देण्याचा विचार आपण थांबवतो आणि मग आपल्याकडे काही खायला असलेले त्यांना देतो पण आपण मात्र या मुलांसाठी काहीच नीट करू शकलो नाही या भावनेने आपले मन मात्र खात राहते…या मुलांचे भवितव्य काय? यांचे आयुष्य हे असेच राहील तर मग या मुलांच्या हक्कांचे,जे त्यांचे मूलभूत अधिकार (जगण्याचा,त्यांचे बालपण सुखी, सुरक्षित व आनंदी असण्याचा,शिक्षणाचा,विकासाचा,त्यांच्या अस्तित्वाचा,स्वातंत्र्याचा असे अनेक अधिकार. You Might Also Like Swanath Foundation along with National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and National Inner Wheel Club will be jointly launching “Mission Mamata” for the welfare of Swanathas (orphans) for the duration of 5 years, The meeting was held at Udaipur !! November 30, 2019 Had a fruitful meeting with President, Indian Council for Cultural Relations Hon. Vinay Sahsrabuddhe and his wife related to foster care services in India and took their valuable inputs for implementing the same. December 20, 2021 Department of Social Work, SNDT Women’s University from “Swanath” Foundation Honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr. With Chakradev madam and the team of social science, social science, and knowledge resource center and professors of various departments had a wide discussion about the concept of “Swanath”… Swanath is always there with them, to create awareness in the society about Foster Care Services, to conduct important research on the numerous questions of Swanath, who is not an orphan. August 23, 2022 Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Swanath Foundation along with National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and National Inner Wheel Club will be jointly launching “Mission Mamata” for the welfare of Swanathas (orphans) for the duration of 5 years, The meeting was held at Udaipur !! November 30, 2019
Had a fruitful meeting with President, Indian Council for Cultural Relations Hon. Vinay Sahsrabuddhe and his wife related to foster care services in India and took their valuable inputs for implementing the same. December 20, 2021
Department of Social Work, SNDT Women’s University from “Swanath” Foundation Honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr. With Chakradev madam and the team of social science, social science, and knowledge resource center and professors of various departments had a wide discussion about the concept of “Swanath”… Swanath is always there with them, to create awareness in the society about Foster Care Services, to conduct important research on the numerous questions of Swanath, who is not an orphan. August 23, 2022